LFa Airmail Delivery
LFb Dancing in the Moonlight, First Version
LFc Carving the Chicken
LFd Wedding
LFe Dog Carriage
LF1 Tug of War
LF2 Getting Dressed
LF3 Fishing on the Pier
LF4 Dodgem Cars
LF5 Conducting the Orchestra
LF6 Mrs. Moppets Tea Room
LF7 Bath Night
LF8 Xmas Menu
LF9 Christmas Party
LF10 Picnic, Style One, Second Version
LF11 Family Cycling
LF12 Cricket Game
LF13 The Duet
LF14 Spring Cleaning
LF15 Family Photograph
LF16 Christmas Tree
LF17 Geography Lesson
LF106 Winning Post
LF107 Art Class
LF108 Beware of the Bull
LF127 Juggling
LF128 Bonfire
LF129 Hoopla